Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Django Unchained: One of Tarantino's Best.

Quentin Tarantino is easily one of my all time favorite directors. He's got this incredibly unique style to his filmmaking that makes his movies almost an event when they come out. He's covered a wide range of genres from revenge thrillers to war movies. So when I heard his next film after Inglourious Basterds was going to be a spaghetti Western, needless to say, I got very excited.

Django Unchained is Tarantino's lastest film.The film takes place in the late 1850s, set against the backdrop of slavery. The film is about a slave, Django (Jamie Foxx), who is enlisted by bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz) to help him track down the Brittle Brothers, three ruthless killers with a bounty on their heads. Schultz also agrees to help Django trsck down his wife Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), who is being held by Calvin J. Candie ( Leonardo DiCaprio), a plantation owner who is as charming as he is ruthless.

Going into the film, I had very high expectations. So what did I think of  Tarantino's vision of a spaghetti Western?

I'm going to be honest with you, I flat out loved this movie. This is easily one of the best films of 2012 for sure.

The acting in this movie is fantastic. Jamie Foxx gives one of his best performances to date as Django. His character goes through a great arc throughout the film, going from hesitant and unsure to completely confident of himself. Foxx expresses these feelings with ease. Kerry Washington did pretty good as well, even though she is not in the film for that long.

But there are three performances that were my absolute favorites in this. Christoph Waltz, Leo DiCaprio, and Samuel L. Jackson, who plays Candie's racist right-hand man Steven. All three steal every scene they're in. Christoph Waltz is completely charming as Dr. Schultz. He plays it so charismatically that he's so entertaining to watch. As for Leo DiCaprio, this is his first truly villianous role and he plays it brilliantly. His character can be completely charming and charismatic but can turn into menacing and brutal at the turn of a hat. DiCaprio deserves some recognition for this role come Oscar time. And Samuel L. Jackson was just entertaining to watch. His character was so damn funny in this movie.

One of Tarnatino's strong points in his films has always been his dialogue and it's at its strongest in Django. The dialogue is so snappy and witty it's brilliant. It's also extremely funny there's one scene in the film that I won't spoil but it had me laughing hysterically.  Also, his dialogue excellently builds up tension in some scenes. It just builds and builds until it all comes to a head and it's done excellently here.

Another thing that was interesting in Django Unchained is Tarantino's use of music. Tarantino has always had a wide range of music in his films and this is no exception. The mix of music is definitely an interesting one. He ranges from music made by film composers such as Ennio Morricone to original songs by John Legend and Rick Ross of all people. It's definitely worth checking out for how unique it is.

The action in this God does Tarantino have fun with the blood splatter in this movie. The action is over the top ridiculous that it's awesome. Also, the film is shot beautifully Tarantino gives some stunning shots of the South. He shot this whole thing on film and with every thing going digital nowadays, it's nice to see someone still doing things old school.

I really don't have any complaints with this movie. Django Unchained is one of Tarantino's best films in a while and is easily one of the best films of 2012. Check it out if you have the chance.

Grade: A

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