Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review: Marvel's Game Changer

Having the chance to study abroad in England presents some chances I may never get to have again. I have witnessed things such as the sights of London, a football match, and the majestic wonders of Paris, to name a few.

But something just as important happened last week that ranks up there with the likes of seeing Paris and London and being able to study abroad in England.

That's right, I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier one week before it comes out in America.....which is strangely ironic when you think about it.

Also, I have a life I swear....

Anyways, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is the third installment in Marvel's Phase Two of their Cinematic Universe. In this latest installment, it's been two years since the events of The Avengers, and Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) is trying to adjust comfortably to modern civilization after being frozen for 70 years. He catches up on pop culture and befriends fellow veteran Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie). He is also working for S.H.I.E.L.D, headed by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and works along side with Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson). Cap's normal routine is interrupted by the arrival of a villain known as The Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan), a deadly assassin who soon puts one of Cap's comrades out of temporary commission, causing Cap to become way of everyone around him. Cap must now stop the Winter Soldier from doing anymore harm while figuring out who he can and can not trust.

Now, I love what Marvel has been doing with their film universe. They keep turning out quality film after quality film and I always get excited by what they cook up next. Going into the film after viewing the trailer, I was pretty excited to see where they would take the character of Captain America after the events of The Avengers.

Nothing could possibly prepare me for what I saw on the screen. Not only is this Marvel's strongest film since The Avengers, but it is possibly one of the better superhero films I have seen in quite some time. Not only that, but it is a game changer for the MCU.

Everyone does a fantastic job in their roles. I remember when Chris Evans was cast in the role, I had the biggest doubts about how he would do as the character, but now I can see no one else in the role. He completely is comfortable in the role, showcasing the uncertainty Cap faces in this new world, but still maintaining a sense of honor. He has charisma while also showing a wistfulness about times lost, and uncertainty about this new world. The end result is a hero everyone is able to relate to in some shape or form.

I was also happy to see Scarlett Johansson have a more prominent role this time around. Not only can she still knock down bad guys left and right, we get to see more of Black Widow's past revealed in the film. I was invested in learning about more of her past history. It was interesting to see the character try to find that balance between what is right and what isn't right. Hopefully, they will reveal more in The Avengers: Age of Ultron and/or a solo Black Widow movie.

Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury is also excellent as well.  As the leader of a global organization who is tasked with protecting the free world, we see the burden occasionally take its toll on him this time around. He doesn't have powers, just someone trying to figure out what is right. Jackson manages to capture that perfectly, showing Fury's strong leadership skills, but at the same time, a certain world weariness, one that shows Fury at his most vulnerable.

There are two noticeable additions who make an impact on the film. The first is Robert Redford as senior S.H.I.E.L.D official Alexander Pierce. As the film is said to be heavily influenced by 70s political thrillers, it's a nice touch to add Redford, the king of 70s political thrillers, to this film's roster. And he makes a huge impact here. Redford has this gravitas that gives him a sense of importance and it pays off in this role.

The final standout is Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson aka Falcon. Marvel continues their perfect casting choices with Mackie, as he looks the part of Falcon,  as well as trading some genuinely funny wisecracks with Cap while also helping Cap raise some questions about what he wants to do with his life, which should prove to be VERY interesting if they continue this idea in Avengers 2 or Cap 3. I hope to see more of Mackie in future Marvel films.

And then we have our villain, Stan as the Winter Soldier. This may be the most menacing Marvel villain we've seen on screen since Loki. He is a relentless, ruthless killing machine. I will not spoil the identity for the few who genuinely do NOT know who The Winter Soldier is (even if it's easy to figure out by looking at the credits of the...and one you'll probably call about halfway through).

The story itself is also impressive. Screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have crafted a worthy second solo outing that touched upon some issues I had wanted addressed in The Avengers, such as Cap adjusting to the modern era and hanging on to his old morals in this new world. The story also feels much more intricate than your average superhero film. Imagine a 70s thriller written by someone such as Robert Ludlum where Jason Bourne is running around trying to take down an evil conspiracy that wants to cripple the nation. Now imagine Jason Bourne wearing tights while doing this, and everything being on a much grander scale, and you get this movie. The film's story allows the movie to be more accessible for those who are NOT big fans of superhero films.

There is also a moment that happens in the end of the film that is going to have major repercussions for the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. No spoilers here, but let's just say things are about to get very interesting from here on out and I can't wait to see what Marvel has cooked up yet
Finally, there is the action and direction in the film. Marvel has proven once again that they know what they are doing when picking the most unlikely of directors. This time, it's Joe and Anthony Russo, whose previous credits prior to this were episodes of Community and Arrested Development, as well as the Owen Wilson comedy You, Me, and Dupree. This is the first time the brothers have ever taken on a project of this magnitude and they do an absolutely stunning job of handling it, keeping things heart pounding and intense, especially with the action.

Speaking of the action, this is some of the most high octane, intense, edge of your seat action Marvel has made yet. The action comes at you fast and furious, with the Russo Brothers beautifully handling some of the big set pieces, such as the elevator fight shown in the trailer. The way the camera is handled gives the scene this claustrophobic feeling when Cap is fighting everyone. I commend the Russos for their big studio film debut and handling such a big movie so incredibly well.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is the best one that Marvel's done yet and raises the bar for Marvel films and superhero films in general. The movie is a much improved sequel to the first in every aspect. Even if you are not a fan of superhero films, it's an absolute blast to watch.

Grade: A+